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Golden Retrievers - What Makes the Perfect Family Dog?

Golden retrievers are great family dogs because they are loyal, loving, friendly and cute. There are plenty of reasons that golden retrievers make such great family pets and here are our favorites.
Golden retrievers are very loyal to their family members and fun loving, affectionate, personable pups all around. While this tends to make them awful guard dogs, no one gets a Golden Retriever expecting it to fend off any intruders. They’re more likely to lick a stranger than to “sick ‘em.” Goldens are happy-go-lucky, and can make new friends wherever they go. They tend to get along with each person, dog or animal they meet. Golden Retrievers happily spread that friendly and easy going vibe which has made them such a popular choice for dog owners. 

family taking a walk with golden retriever

Most Goldens are just happy to spend time with their person. Whatever you’re into, as long as your golden pup can come along, they’ll be happy. If you want to be a couch potato, your Golden will be your pillow. If you want to go for a run in the mountains, your Golden will be your guide.
Golden Retriever's have a patient, friendly temperament which makes them great for families with children. Since children aren't always the best at respecting personal space, it's important for a family pet to have the patience and kindness of a saint. And Golden Retrievers are the holy grail for dogs with these personality traits! They are compassionate, understanding and unbelievably sweet.

Golden Retriever with flower

They’re shedding might be considered a drawback by some, but it’s an easy tradeoff to make. Their famous feathery golden coat will cover your home in a cloud of shimmering fluff. So if you've ever wanted to feel like King Midas, then a Golden Retriever is the right dog for you. So if you don’t want your house covered in fur, you’ll have to make sure you brush them regularly, especially during the summer. 
If you’re looking for a fun-loving, smiley dog who will fit right into a family friendly vibe, look no further than the Golden Retriever!

Family and dog in car

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