3 min read

How to Cat Proof Your Christmas Tree in 6 Easy Steps

All cat owners will know that Christmas trees and cats are NOT a match made in heaven! Trees covered in ornaments and lots of sparkly things can be way too tempting for your favorite feline, plus they can pose a danger to our furry friends too. Need to know how to cat proof your Christmas tree? Read on to discover 6 tips you can implement this festive season.

How to cat proof your Christmas tree

How to Cat Proof Your Chrismas Tree

1. Be Mindful of Where You Put Your Tree

The easiest way to cat proof your Christmas tree is to put it in a room that your cat doesn’t visit or doesn’t spend much time in. If this isn’t possible, try to find a place in the room that isn’t next to an object your cat can use to help them climb into the tree. An item that could be used as a launching pad next to your tree is always best avoided!

2. Stop Your Tree from Toppling Over

If your cat does attempt to climb into your tree, you run the risk of the tree toppling over, which might be dangerous for your kitty, not to mention bad for any breakable ornaments!

The best way to prevent your tree from toppling over is to ensure it has a very sturdy base. You could also use some wire to attach the top of the tree to the wall to help it to remain upright.

How to cat proof your Christmas tree

3. Don’t Decorate Lower Tree Branches

Decorating the lower branches with ornaments is way too tempting for cats, as they can easily reach them and play with them. It’s unlikely that ornaments hanging from the lower branches will remain there for long! This is even more important if the ornaments are easily broken, as they might injure your kitty if they try to play with them and chew on them.

4. Things to Avoid When Decorating

If you have a cat, there are several decorations that are best avoided, including:

  • Easily breakable ornaments: just in case your cat does manage to climb your tee and chew on them/knock them off. Wooden Christmas ornaments are a much better idea!
  • Tinsel: it’s easy for cats to grab hold of and pull on, which increases the risk of the tree being pulled over. They might also be tempted to eat it, creating a choking risk. 
  • Artificial trees decorated with fake snow: they’re likely to make lots of mess if your cat plays with the tree, plus it’s not something you want them to eat.
Cat playing with Christmas ornament

5. Use Deterrents 

Cats dislike citrus scents and foil, so using them as a deterrent around your tree can be an effective way to keep your kitty away:

  • Foil: wrap some foil around the tree trunk to deter your favorite feline from attempting to climb up the tree.
  • Lemon or orange peel: place citrus peel around the tree to persuade your cat to stay away. Cats have an excellent sense of smell, and as they hate citrus scents, this is a natural and effective way to keep your cat away from the Christmas tree.
  • Citrus spray: an excellent alternative to peel - spritzing your tree should help to keep your kitty away, as well as bringing the added bonus of making your tree smell nice! 

6. Introduce Distractions

Another way to cat proof your Christmas tree? Provide distractions! Introduce them to a new scratching post, puzzle feeder, and some fun new toys to keep them occupied, stimulated and away from your precious tree! Hopefully you'll have a happy cat and a still-standing tree - now that will be a claws for celebration (love a good pun? Check out these Christmas cat puns!).


We hope these tips help you to successfully cat proof your Christmas tree so that you don’t have to decorate your tree on more than one occasion! If you're introducing a new kitty during the festive season, check out these Christmas cat names for inspo. Looking for some gifts for cat lovers? Our Cat Collection is full of ideas for cat lovers of all ages. Wishing you and your kitty a very meowry Christmas!

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