1 min read

Dog Itching - 26 Plants That Cause Allergies in Pets

Did you know that certain trees, shrubs, grasses and herbaceous plants can cause pet skin allergies? Sometimes, the plant’s pollen is to blame, but some plants can cause itchiness and rashes on pets just from contact. And just like us, creating an allergy friendly garden can help alleviate their distress. Check out our simple list of plants that cause allergies in pets.

  1. Birch :: pollen 
  2. Oak :: pollen 
  3. Willow :: pollen 
  4. Poplar :: pollen 
  5. Bottlebrush :: pollen 
  6. Fruitless Mulberry :: pollen 
  7. Primrose :: skin contact with plant 
  8. Juniper :: pollen and skin contact with male plants (FYI: female plants produce berries)
  9. Sagebrush :: pollen and skin contact with plant 
  10. Yew :: pollen and skin contact with male plants (FYI: females produce berries, which are poisonous) 
  11. Euphorbia :: pollen and skin contact with plant (FYI: sap is poisonous to pets) 
  12. Sheep Sorrel :: pollen 
  13. Ragweed :: pollen 
  14. Russian Thistle :: pollen and skin contact with plant 
  15. Wormwood :: pollen 
  16. Daylily :: pollen and skin contact with plant 
  17. Lilies and Alliums :: pollen and skin contact with plant (FYI: poisonous to pets, specifically cats)
  18. Gas Plant :: pollen and skin contact with plant Wandering 
  19. Jew :: pollen and skin contact with plant 
  20. Elephant Ear :: skin contact with plant 
  21. Castor Bean :: pollen and skin contact (FYI: poisonous to pets and children) 
  22. Bermuda Grass :: pollen 
  23. Junegrass :: pollen 
  24. Orchardgrass :: pollen 
  25. Cocoa mulch :: skin contact (FYI poisonous to pets, especially dogs) 
  26. Red Cedar mulch :: skin contact

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