3 min read

Dog eating dog treat - 3 Chilled Summer Recipes for Fido

1. Chicken and Peanut Butter Treats

Although chicken and peanut butter may seem like a strange combo for your refined taste, your dog will absolutely drool over these tasty treats.


  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley (optional)


  • Pour a small amount of chicken stock into an ice tray (half full).
  • Place the ice tray in the freezer for one hour and allow to partially set.
  • While waiting, mix peanut butter + parsley together in a bowl (parsley is optional).
  • If the peanut butter is too thick, heat it up or add a splash of water or preferred milk (we like almond milk).
  • Once evenly mixed, scoop a spoonful of the batter on top of the frozen chicken stock.
  • Put the ice tray back into the freezer and let set for a minimum of 4 hours.
  • Once hard to the touch, they are ready to serve.

Precautions: Can I buy any chicken stock?

When you are picking out chicken stock for this recipe, be sure to carefully read the label. It is best to choose a stock that has low sodium & no additional flavors such as onions or garlic which are toxic to dogs and can cause intestinal distress. As mentioned, parsley is optional but recommended. Not only is parsley full of valuable vitamins and nutrients, it’s also a natural way to improve your dog’s breath.

Peanut butter - 3 Chilled Summer Recipes for Fido

2. PB&J Frozen “Toasts”

Peanut butter and jelly is one of those classic combos that defined (most) of our childhoods. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy it today as an adult. This tasty treat is more than a nostalgic childhood inspired snack, it’s a delightful powerhouse of flavor that’s perfectly safe for your dog to enjoy. Using natural peanut butter, these delectable frozen treats are a healthy choice for your dog in the summer.


   - 1 cup of washed strawberries
  - ¼ cup of water
  - 3-4 tablespoons of natural peanut butter


    • Slice off the tops of your strawberries + add to the blender with water.
    • Blend thoroughly until you have a smooth puree.
    • Pour strawberry puree into an ice tray and fill about ¾ of the way.
    • Next, add a tiny bit of peanut butter into each slot until full.
    • Pop your tray into the freezer and let set until completely frozen.
    • Once hard to the touch, serve these delicious treats and watch your pup enjoy.

    Precautions: Can I buy any peanut butter?

    The simple answer is no. Not all peanut butters are created equal and some may be toxic for your pup. Be careful not to buy or use peanut butter that contains xylitol, a sweetener sometimes found in peanut butter that is toxic to dogs. Try looking for xylitol-free peanut butter when purchasing.

    3. Fun Filled Frozen Cake

    This Fun Filled Frozen Cake is the ultimate treat for a hot summer day. Help your pup stay hydrated while keeping them entertained all afternoon with this tasty fun treat that will keep them entertained and cool for hours.


    • 3 reduced-salt chicken stock cubes
    • 1 ½ litres of water
    • Treats of choice
    • Toys


    • In a large bowl, dissolve the stock cubes in water and pour the mixture into a cake tin.
    • Add your dog’s favorite toys and a few treats such as dog biscuits or bully sticks.
    • Pop the tin in the freezer for a few hours and serve immediately.

    Precautions: Can my dog eat ice cubes & frozen snacks?

    Yes, dogs can eat ice cubes— but be careful they don't break their teeth! Smaller dogs are more likely to hurt their jaws and crack their teeth from biting into ice and frozen snacks. It’s more than likely, however, that your dog will lick the ice cubes rather than chomping down in order to cool down.

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