3 min read

Can Dogs Eat Figs? We Fig-ured it Out!

It’s no surprise to any dog owner when a bit of stray food innocently forgotten in an accessible place goes missing. Dogs won’t ask for permission to turn your plate of spaghetti and meatballs into a plate of spaghetti and dog slobber. This act is harmless for the most part, but what happens when it’s food your dog has never had before? Every dog owner has at some point typed into Google: “Is it ok for dogs to eat [insert food that magically disappeared off your plate the second your back was turned here]”. Today we're investigating figs and answering the question, "can dogs eat figs?" Let's find out!

Dog holding bowl

Can Dogs Eat Figs? 

Dogs can eat figs - the consensus is that fresh figs are usually a safe and healthy snack for your pup. They’re full of healthy fiber, natural sugar and they’re delicious!

Whilst figs are usually safe for dogs, however, there’s always the slim chance that your dog is allergic. If you’re planning to feed your dog some fig for the first time, give them a really small amount and monitor them for the next 24 hours looking for any signs of an allergic reaction. This most commonly includes a rash, itching or a cough. If you notice these, reach out to your Veterinarian for guidance.

We Asked Ourselves the Same Question!

We’re no stranger to the question of whether or not dogs can eat figs. In fact, our very own Michele had to ask “can dogs eat figs?” when Penny the office dog once pilfered one. I hope you enjoy this fig gif of Penny as much as I enjoy the fact that "fig gif" is a palindrome. 

Penny was as happy and healthy as ever after eating the pilfered fig!

Fig Foods That Dogs Can't Eat

Dogs should stick to just eating fresh figs.

Dried figs are high in sugar and so should be avoided. Any foods designed for humans that have figs added in should also usually be avoided, as they're highly likely to contain other ingredients dogs shouldn't eat

Whilst we're on the subject of figs, dogs should be kept away from fig plants - eating any part of these plants is toxic for dogs and other animals and can cause fig poisoning

How Many Figs Can a Dog Eat?

Even though they’re safe for dogs, don’t go wild and plop a barrel full of figs down in front of your pooch. While the high fiber content and natural sugars are healthy in moderation, you don’t want to overdo it because those are fast ways to mess with your dog’s digestive tract.

The amount of figs a dog can eat varies depending on your pup's size. The general consensus for recommended maximum amounts is: 

  • Less than one half of a fig per week for a small dog.
  • 1 fig a week for a medium sized dog.
  • 2 figs a week for a large dog.

Caught fig pawed!

Penny caught fig pawed!

Let's Have Some Fig Fun!

And because we're all about fun, here are some fake breeds that highlight a combination of the canine world and figs!

  • American Figbull Terrier
  • English Fighound/American Fighound
  • Brussels Figgon
  • Figgish Lapphund
  • Figgish Spitz!

Let us know if you can think of any more fun fake fig breeds!


Overall, fresh figs are a safe snack for your dog to try out, as long as they're offered in small amounts. We may not have apparel designs for fake fig breeds, but we have plenty of designs for actual dog breeds! Head over to our Find My Breed tool to browse all breeds available at Inkopious.

Dog hoodie and dog shirt

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