3 min read

National Black Cat Day: Dispelling the Myths & Superstitions

Every year, cat lovers from around the world come together to celebrate National Black Cat Day. This day aims to change the narrative around these beautiful black creatures, and we couldn’t be happier to get involved. So, let’s spread some love and learn more about our black feline friends for National Black Cat Day!

Black cat with raised paw 

When is National Black Cat Day?

National Black Cat Day takes place every year on October 27th. There is often some confusion between this day and National Black Cat Appreciation Day, which takes place annually on August 17th.

What is National Black Cat Day?

National Black Cat Day is a special day that serves as a reminder of the beauty and charm that black cats possess and strives to dispel the superstitions and myths that have surrounded them for centuries.

These often misunderstood creatures deserve our appreciation and need us to highlight the untruths that have surrounded them.

Another important reason for this day is to encourage their adoption. Black cats tend to have low adoption rates and higher euthanasia rates than their lighter-colored counterparts, making it even more important to raise awareness about how awesome they are!

Black cat lying in autumn leaves

Dispelling Black Cat Myths & Misconceptions

Black cats have been unfairly associated with superstitions, myths, and even fears for centuries. They have been linked to bad luck, witchcraft, and even the supernatural. However, it wasn’t always this way:

Ancient Egyptians

The Ancient Egyptians believed that all cats, including ones with black coats, were creatures that should be worshipped. They even had a goddess named Bastet that was represented by a black cat.

Killing a cat was considered a serious crime that carried the death sentence.

Middle Ages

It was during the Middle Ages that things appear to have gone downhill for black cats. 

In the 13th century, Pope Gregory IX declared black cats to be an incarnation of Satan in his official document  "Vox in Rama".

Black cats became associated with witchcraft and anyone found to be harboring a black cat was believed to be a witch. 

Present Day

Whilst these myths couldn't be further from the truth, some superstition around black cats still remains to this day, and statistics show that black cats often take longer to be adopted than cats of other colors. 

Thankfully, many people are now starting to see that black cats aren't bad luck. In fact, in various cultures, black cats are considered good luck and are associated with positive attributes such as protection and prosperity. In Britain, Ireland, Germany, and Japan, it's generally believed that a cat crossing your path is good luck.

Black cats are not omens of bad fortune but rather symbols of elegance, grace, and mystery. It's important to dispel the misconceptions and replace them with a genuine understanding of black cats' unique qualities.

How You Can Participate in National Black Cat Day

Adopt a Black Cat

If you're considering adding a new furry family member, National Black Cat Day is the perfect opportunity to visit a local shelter and provide a loving forever home to a black cat in need.

Share Your Love For Black Cats

Share heartwarming stories of black cat adoptions, promote awareness about black cats, and debunk myths and superstitions.

Support Local Shelters

Support shelters that are dedicated to rescuing and caring for black cats by making a donation or volunteering your time.

Wear Black Cat Apparel

And of course our favorite suggestion - wear black cat clothing that shows off your love for black cats! Browse our full Cats Collection to find plenty of apparel featuring these black beauties.

Bella the Black Cat Shirt

National Black Cat Day is a day to celebrate the beauty, resilience, and charm of black cats. By raising awareness, debunking superstitions, and sharing love for these remarkable creatures, we can ensure that black cats receive the care and attention they deserve. 

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